The Official Richie Tankersley Cusick Discussion Forum

A place to discuss Richie Tankersley Cusick's novels

What are your favorite books by Richie? I know many will want to say "All" but if you had to pick one or two... or maybe three, what would they be? :)

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I was at a bookstore in town (either from my hometown in Pennsylvania or in Florida while visiting Barnes & Nobles or Books A Million) and they were selling The Unseen. I bought the 4th book and when I started reading, I thought "Wait a minute, I have to start from the beginning of the series." So I started reading the 1st book and became hooked because of what was going with Lucy and what she had been through. Byron had been my favorite character from the series and I was upset when I read the part about the accident and killed him and left Lucy alive and alone without him, still feeling that she had been watched by an unseen being. Overall, the books are GREAT but it's ashame that not many people have ever heard of Richie as much as we do today. We need more fans to get involved so she can be the next Stephenie Meyer. LOL!

Erika said:
How did you all find out about Richie, anyway? I actually found her on my 6th grade classroom's book shelf. There was Silent Stalker and The Mall. I actually read them both at the same time, because I accidentally mistook one for the other because of the author's name. I loved them both and that's when I started buying them at the school book fairs and barnes and noble (and then eventually the older ones from the internet). Memories... *dreamy sigh*
I do love them all but if I had to pick a favorite... as a kid my favorite was The Lifeguard... as an adult it would have to be Blood Roots. I still pick up the lifeguard for a quck afternoon read from time to time though...and I'm 35 !
I just lucked out and bought a copy of the Life Guard at the book store at the mall one day. I was just getting into reading "thriller" type books and I remember getting it because I liked the cover.. I thought the guy was After that I was hooked.. I was maybe about 12 or 13 ??

Paige Spanos said:
I was at a bookstore in town (either from my hometown in Pennsylvania or in Florida while visiting Barnes & Nobles or Books A Million) and they were selling The Unseen. I bought the 4th book and when I started reading, I thought "Wait a minute, I have to start from the beginning of the series." So I started reading the 1st book and became hooked because of what was going with Lucy and what she had been through. Byron had been my favorite character from the series and I was upset when I read the part about the accident and killed him and left Lucy alive and alone without him, still feeling that she had been watched by an unseen being. Overall, the books are GREAT but it's ashame that not many people have ever heard of Richie as much as we do today. We need more fans to get involved so she can be the next Stephenie Meyer. LOL!

Erika said:
How did you all find out about Richie, anyway? I actually found her on my 6th grade classroom's book shelf. There was Silent Stalker and The Mall. I actually read them both at the same time, because I accidentally mistook one for the other because of the author's name. I loved them both and that's when I started buying them at the school book fairs and barnes and noble (and then eventually the older ones from the internet). Memories... *dreamy sigh*
i love the lifeguard that one is brilliant, as a teenager the murderer in that one was quite unsuspecting lol i was shocked at the end i still read that one occasionally. even now knowing who does it in the end its still a good read, havent read blood roots yet, thats the next buy on my list :)
You will LOVE Blood Roots, I guarantee it! It's SO awesome!
On the sharing of how you found Richie, I just pulled walk of the spirits off my library shelf and fell in love with it...I'm slowly trying to read the rest... I've now read the unseen (as I believe I've said somewhere above) and I have also now read all the Richie books my library has, so now I have to find them in stores...or something :p
Used book stores are a good place to start. But some you will have to buy online, probably.
I've used all three to track down her books. And I have them all... so... I highly recommend those sites.
I get alot of my books from YOu can Find used ones for like 99 cents some times and the shippng is always 3.99 ..but still comes out cheaper than in the store..and you can get older coppies you can't find in the stores

Erika said:
Used book stores are a good place to start. But some you will have to buy online, probably.
I've used all three to track down her books. And I have them all... so... I highly recommend those sites.
i just got vampire, evil on the bayou, and the drifter, £8.28 for the three, off, totally happy now lol vampire was good just reading drifter at moment :) my love for amazon has now grown even more :D
Amazon... is one of the best inventions a Richie fan could ask for :)

After those books, what do you have left to read?

Let us know how you like them all :) Start a new thread if you want ;)
evil on the bayou was good :) i just need scarecrow and blood roots now :) and maybe to read the buffy one(s?) if i really HAVE to lol actually im curious but think i'll goto the library for the buffy one (s?)
Three Buffy ones. One based on the movie. Two based on the TV show (The Harvest and Angel Chronicles Vo. 2).
They are pretty good. I'm rereading them now (plus a couple other Buffy books).
I can't wait until you read Scarecrow and Blood Roots. lol

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