The Official Richie Tankersley Cusick Discussion Forum

A place to discuss Richie Tankersley Cusick's novels

What are your favorite books by Richie? I know many will want to say "All" but if you had to pick one or two... or maybe three, what would they be? :)

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For me, it would be The Unseen series because these were the first books I've read from Richie. I love the storyline, the characters and how far they've gone through as the story keeps going till the very end.
Have you read any others yet?
love someone at the door, its one of those books that really gets you creeped out, especially if you read it in the right season (in the middle of winter like the setting in the story ) lol im so sad but did love that book. and walk of the spirits (and shadow mirror) have to be my top favourite now they really suck you in :D
I personally love Scarecrow, Blood Roots, The House Next Door, and now the Walk series. I do love them, all really. Those ones stick out a tad bit more, though :)
jealous lol, i been looking to find blood roots and scarecrow so cant say if i like them, actually i probably would lol the house next door is good, i found that alot different to her other books, but really good, anyone read vampire or Evil on the Bayou? another two im trying to get ahold of, :(
I have read and own all of her novels (I've been reading her for a LONG time). I think you can find them all on If not, try the used books on barnes and noble and ebay is also a good place. Most of mine I think I got from (years ago). A lot of them I was lucky enough to get while still in print (from Vampire on excluding Blood Roots). You should definitely be able to find Scarecrow, Blood Roots, Vampire, and Evil on the Bayou. Actually, I'll go look them up right now :)
i live in england so i buy mine from, ebay is useless here though lol well at least for finding them anyway :( i've found some but its finding the person to buy from, bought from some of the dealers before and never recieved anything, finally found scarecrow the other day so will be ordering that one soon. the rest i own and will never get rid of lol, im 23 now i've had some since i was about 13 but still love them :)
Ohh okay. Maybe they're easier to find in the US, then.
I am 23 as well! About to be 24 next month. Been reading her books since I was 11. We're in the same boat :)
lol im 24 next month too on april 24th :) we getting old lol i cant remember when i started reading her books but i love them completely, shes really under-rated, her writing is brill keeps my attention fo hours, including the hours when im really not supposed to be reading haha like at 4 in the morning lol
Wow, I'm April 21st :)

I 100% agree. She is not nearly as recognized as she should be. Her books were the first to REALLY catch my interest. I had read before, but no books ever impacted me like hers.
thank you!!, why do i get the feeling that i will be very broke soon lol but there worth it though :) i've just found vampire aswell thank god my birthday is coming up lol that is my excuse :P

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