The Official Richie Tankersley Cusick Discussion Forum

A place to discuss Richie Tankersley Cusick's novels

What are your favorite books by Richie? I know many will want to say "All" but if you had to pick one or two... or maybe three, what would they be? :)

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I started reading her last year; I really want to write my own book and have read over a 100 books trying to find the direction I want to take me novel. The one thing I've noticed by most of my favorite artist websites is how much they read. They read each others work and work in author groups. I've noticed in a lot of the acknowledgements of books I like they refer to each other.

I wanted to make a few recommendations if you haven't already read them and are interested in other southern gothic novels. Ruined by Paula Morris, Fallen by Lauren Kate and Beautiful Creatures by Kami Garcia and Margaret Stohl.

I'll check out Richie's other work has anyone read The House Next Door? Can you give me a feel for the book.

Thanks everyone for talking and I'm not a teenager either lol...:-)

Erika said:
How did you all find out about Richie, anyway? I actually found her on my 6th grade classroom's book shelf. There was Silent Stalker and The Mall. I actually read them both at the same time, because I accidentally mistook one for the other because of the author's name. I loved them both and that's when I started buying them at the school book fairs and barnes and noble (and then eventually the older ones from the internet). Memories... *dreamy sigh*
I think my mom bought my sis and I The Locker because it sounded like our type of book. YA thriller. Then when we saw any RTC books we bought 'em.
Dana- I absolutely LOVE The House Next Door. One of my top favorite novels of her's. It's a lot different than her earlier work, but it fits pretty well with Walk of the Spirits. Not the same, but it has the same kind of feeling to me.

Your mom is a very smart woman, Mandy :)
PS- I LOVE chatting. Ask any of my online friends.. haha. Hense why I made this forum :D
i cant remember exactly which book i started reading, but i do remember it being in the point horror series, so it may have being april fools or trick or treat, they were like 'the choice' to read when i was in high school.

The libraries and used book shops still get a few copies in which is cool i have picked most of mine up from used bookstores. Up until amazon there wasnt any way to get some of her books in england :( but now god bless amazon and ebay i can lol
Amazon rocks! I don't go to bookstores very often, easier to just order lol.

@Erica haha Now that there are so many books that I've read, she doesn't try to surprise me with any.
I always love seeing her books in used bookstores. I want to buy them everytime I see them (even though I have them all), but I am hopeful someone else will find them and love them as much as I do.
I love all of her books, but I think my favorite is Scarecrow, just because the ending shocked and surprised me! The book kept me guessing till the end :] The Unseen is also a favorite of mine... and Someone at the Door... and Teacher's Pet... Haha, lets face it, all of her books are amazing!
Too true, Katie :)
I love Scarecrow... but I've already said that. I think I will reread that and Blood Roots soon. I would love for her to come out with more adult novels. I love her young adult ones, too, but I feel there isn't enough adult books (And I do feel that she gets even creepier in her storytelling in the adult ones) :p
Well, i've just finished reading the unseen series - making that two of Richies series I have read and I got to say, that I like the walk of the spirits better... Unseen was ok... I really like just finished it three minutes ago and I got to say I'm still sort of a little confused at what happened...
Unseen seemed to confuse a few people. I didn't really have any problems with it. What were you confused about? Maybe create an Unseen board and we can chat about it there?
Also, if you read it a second time, it may come together a little better for you.
Natasha: Well, they do because I kept going to and iTunes almost everyday to look for it so I can buy it. Mostly, I read and listen to the book at the same time so I can understand better about what's going on in the book.

natasha lewis said:
paige walk of the spirits is worth it trust me, didnt know they did audio books, sounds cool :)

Dana personally i would try reading any of richies books, they are all excellant, (theres a couple i havent read yet though) , i do hope there is a follow up to shadow mirror, they are the best books i've read in long time.

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