The Official Richie Tankersley Cusick Discussion Forum

A place to discuss Richie Tankersley Cusick's novels

So, place where you can talk about the series Unseen... and you kind people that actually understand the ending could maybe give me a bit of clarification.

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"alright, dirty preist:"

I LOVE that. :D
Don't you wish they could make a movie of this book? I think that about alot of richie's books. I always try to think of who could play the characters. Back when I was reading The LIfeguard Charlie Sheen and Emilio estevez were very popular. I always pictured Charlie Sheen ( not the way he looks now mind you..but back then in the late 80's) playing Neal and emilion esteves playing the other brother.. I can't think of his name right now.. justin was it ? or eric?
lol, yeah, that may not have been the best adjective, but I couldn't think of anything else :P Though I'm glad it is being enjoyed!

Erika said:
"alright, dirty preist:"

I LOVE that. :D
Ya, I'd like to see movies of all of her books. Hahaha. I think Unseen would blast Twilight out of the water. *gasp* Did I say that?! ;)
It would definatly reach to a wider audience I think.
I like the twilight movies but I tried to read the books and I just can't get into them...they are very boring to me for some reason. Not like the Unseen which I was into after the first few pages

Erika said:
Ya, I'd like to see movies of all of her books. Hahaha. I think Unseen would blast Twilight out of the water. *gasp* Did I say that?! ;)
I've never seen or read them... I've never been a big fan of vampires. I don't see the big hype about robert pattison either... lol. I'm a weirdo :p
You just read my mind because I was thinking of the same thing. Turning The Unseen into a movie. I've been thinking about that for a long time now and I already have an idea of who's playing which character. And I'm sure that it's definitely going to be better than Twilight and will definitely have a larger, wider audience than those Twi-hard fans or whatever you call those people who are OBSESSED with Twilight. LOL!

Marinda Alba said:
Don't you wish they could make a movie of this book? I think that about alot of richie's books. I always try to think of who could play the characters. Back when I was reading The LIfeguard Charlie Sheen and Emilio estevez were very popular. I always pictured Charlie Sheen ( not the way he looks now mind you..but back then in the late 80's) playing Neal and emilion esteves playing the other brother.. I can't think of his name right now.. justin was it ? or eric?
so who do you think would play which characters ?
i think richies books would make great movies but i dont think i could watch them, i read the twilight books but not as interested in the movies, also i have watched the da vinci code which put me off reading the book, i dont know why but with me i either read the book or watch the movie but i dont/cant do both lol, i think because sometimes it ruins the story for me. unseen would make a class movie though i do agree. we should do a protest in richies name lol love stephenie meyers twilight, but she aint got nothing on richie :)
I've personally never been good with thinking of people I would want to play characters in a book turned movie... I have images in my head, and I know what I don't want - like when other people make suggestions I know if I think -for me - it's ok or really sucks (no offence to people but usually in my oppinion it's not very good) but for the life of me I could never think of anyone... I usually don't like really, really big stars to play in them personally... I just feel like a big name sometimes can ruin it, depending on the name.
Marinda Alba said:
so who do you think would play which characters ?
I agree, Jillian. I, too, get a mental picture of all the characters. So matching them to celebrities is pretty tough for me.

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